The State Room Menu

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  • Cheryl G.

    I don't know why people are giving The State Room such low marks. For a hotel, I think it has an amazing breakfast. You can choose between pancakes, eggs, waffle etc. The only thing is that use to make really good peanut butter pancakes which I miss dearly, but they still have good food! In addition, they make great Chai Tea Lattes. I like how they make it in a giant size cup and break it to your table. Besides the food, the wait staff is extremely friendly and the service is generally prompt. Great place to go if you need to grab breakfast early, because they open at 6:30 am.

  • Alexandra K.

    While the service was speedy, I'm not sure anything else about this restaurant merits even a single star. I ordered an omelet for breakfast with a side of fresh fruit. The strawberries on the skewers were rotten. The potatoes that came with the omelet were not palatable because of the salt that was clearly doused on during plating. The omelet itself was not good, and was waaaay too bulky. I cannot say that I'd return, even if I had another breakfast voucher.

  • Meredith B.

    My parents and I came here for my dad's birthday a few weeks ago. The evening begin with a big mistake on The State Room's part, but they made up for it in such an above-and-beyond way that I find myself unable to fault them for it - I almost want to give them extra credit for being so great. Just a head's up. So we had reservations on a Friday night, the room was attractive and classier than I remember from previous years, but it was nearly empty. Not a hot spot. My mom had spoken with a manager and arranged for a cake to be purchased for my dad's birthday (Mom planned to do it herself, but the manager insisted she would handle it)....and the manager got the day wrong, wasn't even in the restaurant, and nobody there knew anything about it. This has actually happened to my mom before at another restaurant - some luck - and we were all pretty irritated. The manager there that night was incredibly apologetic, and frankly ashamed, and assured us they'd "do something" for us. AND HOW! First, they upgraded the asti we ordered to a slightly more expensive variety, the La Spinetta, and it was delicious! So wonderful and sweet, and such a pleasant birthday treat for Dad. We ordered the goat cheese mousse and olive tapenade served on endive, which was nice but nothing too special - cheese was creamy but the tapenade wasn't my favorite flavor. We then were surprised with a lobster strudel each, and two wild mushroom pates! The lobster strudels were really nice, the meat inside was fresh, the crust was flaky, the sauce was creamy. I'm not a mushroom fan, but that's more for the texture, so I gave the pate a try and thought it was all right. Earthy and rich, it was nice on the brioche toasts. I got the bistro salad before my entree, and it was pretty large for the price, and had yummy cranberries, walnuts, and stilton cheese. I barely had room for my entree, the chili lime seabass. But it was really great! Better than i expected! The fish was perfectly cooked and flaky, and I loved the herbaceous red lentils served underneath. They also brought us out a little birthday dessert, and even offered us more, but we were too stuffed! They apologized profusely and genuinely throughout. The next day, I kid you not, the manager who got the day wrong left the cake she'd ordered for us on our doorstep with an apology note. I do not know how they got our address, but aside from that, it was AMAZING that she did this. I mean who does that?! Wow! The State Room is not my favorite place to go, it feels like a hotel restaurant, is often empty, and much of the food is pretty standard (though some certainly was surprisingly good), but I have to hand it to the management - they know how to treat their guests. If you care about service, they will treat you right here.

  • Leslie K.

    We have stayed at the Kellog center several times and always enjoyed their breakfast. Usually we get the brunch buffet, which is a good buffet and offers many more desserts that I usually eat in the morning. This time, however, we ate too early for that. I ordered the stuffed blueberry french toast. It was more like a bread pudding than a french toast, but it was amazing! My hubby had the lump crab meant eggs benedict, which was savory and flavorful. We have not had a bad experience here, and plan to continue enjoying breakfast on our mornings in Lansing!

  • David B.

    Food: I had "firecracker shrimp." Several big undercooked shrimp, covered in pesto, bed of polenta. Not a trace of anything that could be called "firecracker." Service: glutinously obsequious. Every dish we ordered,it seemed, was the waiter's favorite.

  • Randy G.

    Hotel food? Like it? Stay away from it? The State Room usually has decent food, nothing spectacular, just what you would expect for a restaurant at a convention center. I use to have alumni association meetings here and we found it convenient to do it. One of the problems we ran into is the servers are young college students, so they are very professional. It's been a few years since I've been there, but each time, they didn't have a real good protocol for interrupting our meeting for taking our orders or serving while our meeting was underway. In this case, I had Brazilian Style Beef Kabob, which I thought was seasoned well. The black beans and rice were not prepared in a real Brazilian or Latin influence. It was fairly bland, but the main piece to the dish, the meat was prepared as I requested and the seasonings were good, just not a Brazilian flavor If you're not familiar with East Lansing and you're staying at the Kellogg Center, you don't have a place to eat, and it's your only option, well, it won't be bad, not terrific, but not bad.

  • millie j.

    When I arrived at the Kellog Conference center and hotel I was relieved to see what looked like a decent place to eat, the State Room. My son and I went there to inquire about reservations (It was a Monday nite) and were told we did not need one. We were seated promptly, and were wearing jeans and casual shirts. No problem. Service was prompt and very professional. The young man who waited on us delivered excellent service. I ordered the Caesar salad which I found to be tasty and above average. My son ordered the Seared Salmon and he raved about it. It had rosemary gnocchi and baby carrots. It was a generous portion (Priced at $23) I ordered the Petite Filet. (25) It was served with Mashed potatoes, and grilled veggies. Everything was cooked exactly as I ordered it and it was good. I do think the potatoes may have been a mix, not sure, just didn't have that home mashed flavor. The beef was so tender you could (and I did) cut it with your fork. We did not opt for dessert but they had generous offerings. Maybe next time! I will for sure come back here next time I am near the MSU campus. It is a lovely property, easy to find, and really comfy! I would have given it five stars if it were a little bit cheaper and the potatoes were better.

  • Haroun K.

    Well, they do serve food. I was a little giddy because I had a complimentary breakfast included with my hotel room, and this giddy feeling quickly transformed into nausea. I had a smoothie, which tasted like dust (strange...), and a frittata which was suuuuuuuuuuuper greasy. I ate around the grease, and even appreciated the zucchini. But it was not tasty. And they forgot my toast. Service was pleasant in demeanor, but very very slow. All of the tables around me were complaining about something that went awry. Breakfast is the ONE meal that is supposed to be good at a hotel restaurant. I would recommend looking elsewhere.

  • Stephen T.

    I ate here this morning with my girlfriend and her parents. It was OK. The decor is rich and modern as to convey a particular fanciness. Classical strings played in the background. That's the impression I got when I walked into The State Room: fancy. But this is not a fancy restaurant, which is fine, but I don't know why it so obviously tries to be something it's not. First, I walk in and I just get a blank look from the girl behind the bar. Perhaps I should have hollered, "Yes, I am a customer!" As awkward as this was, it was very brief and admittedly nitpicky of myself. I also noticed that many of the waiters/waitresses were students, and mostly because they looked like they were still waking up and not happy to be there. I get that 9am is not an ideal time to be bright and attentive for a student, but this isn't a 300-person lecture where you can idle by unnoticed in the back of the room. It's a job in a relatively intimate service industry. This didn't ruin my dining experience, it wasn't particularly distracting, and for all I know the students could be outstanding servers, but again, in exuding upscale-ness, I hold TSR to a higher standard. Our waitress was very polite and accommodating. The coffee was very good, strong enough to appreciate black. The food was of satisfactory quality and well-portioned, but nothing more. Between the table we had the granola-crusted french toast, the Leelanau cherry omelet, and I had the spiced pumpkin waffle. The omelet was a unique combination of flavors. The egg component was plain, and was accompanied by a sweet and tart cherry compote. I think it was a fine dish, but I didn't care for the combined taste of cherry and egg. The french toast was served in standard-sized slices. The granola was nice touch - crunchy, but not overwhelmingly so. The french toast itself, however, I did not find very eggy. The spiced was standard size like from a commercial waffle-maker, and was cooked to a consistent soft texture. I would have preferred it crispier on the outside, and served hot rather than warm. I was very impressed with the accompanying pumpkin-flavored whipped cream; it was thick, sweet, and very reminiscent of pumpkins. It was so sweet and heavy, however, that it could have passed as a light frosting. We also ordered sides of sausage and bacon. These were disappointments. The four strips of bacon were standard thin-sliced, like something you'd find at the grocery, and cooked to a crisp. The sausage was similar: small links, expected flavor and texture, and also like something you'd find at the grocery. They were fine, but if I wanted my breakfast pork from the grocery, I would have gone to the grocery, The State Room is not a bad restaurant, but it suffers from an undecided identity. The art and visuals are colorful and exquisite, classical music softly plays, and all the waiters are dressed in collared shirts and slacks. But the food is of casual quality, and it's delivered by casual service, and suddenly the classical music is tacky, the facade of decor seems forced, and just 10 steps to the hotel doors is a lively campus, surrounding the hotel with a baseball diamond, the military building, the Breslin center, and a concentration of freshman. Yet The State Room sits isolated and disconnected from the rest of Michigan State. It doesn't conform to MSU's culture; I'm not a suit or a bigwig, I'm a Spartan, and I want the restaurant that I share a name with to also share my identity. There's such a wide and diverse range of people at State, and yet The State Room seems to cater to such a narrow audience. if I want forced fancy, I'll gladly jog 3 miles down Michigan Ave to Troppo.

  • Sam L.

    The State Room's food is dependable & decent. It isn't a mind-blowing experience, but the food is comforting.

  • K U.

    food is always bad! and i love food and i am not picky its just horrible. overpriced. can find a MUCH better place to eat at . forget it .

  • Paul D.

    I should preface this review by noting that I have only ever had dinner at the State Room. As noted by another reviewer, the State Room is first and foremost a training facility for students. This in mind, I am always amazed at the quality of the food. What is lacking in presentation is made up for with flavor. Thanks to the fact that this is a training ground, prices are amazingly reasonable given portion sizes and quality of ingredients. The wine list here is simply amazing. Others may have lists of comparable size (The Earle Downtown, Ann Arbor) but what is most notable about the State Room is the offering of wine flights, and the vast selection of Michigan Wines (75 to be exact). I love Michigan wines and make a concerted effort to support them, but the awesome selections that make up the rest of this list make it difficult to order that Michigan bottle that you have at home. Aside from the sheer size this list is also great for values. Prices on all bottles are some of the most reasonable in the state. Case in point, $90 for a bottle of Kosta Browne, compared with $150-200 most anywhere else in the state and higher still if you happen to be in Chicago. My guess would be that those that have posted poor reviews have dined here during the school year, which I have not done. During the summer months things are very calm here, and while service here is never great, it's passable. You're not really here for the service though. Honestly, service isn't really the point, it's the food, the drink and the company. Finally, to the fine dining point, this is certainly not fine dining, and you wouldn't expect it to be at these prices. I can't imagine where a person must eat if this seems expensive. It is somewhat upscale, but we're not talking suit and tie, think more business casual (for dinner at least). The decor does kinda feel like something straight out of a retirement community in Miami but if you get a seat near the window you'll hardly even notice. Final thoughts, the State Room really is a nice place to have a nice dinner. It's not an amazing place to have an amazing dinner, but amazing also comes with a price tag. Go enjoy the food (really you will), have a flight of wine so that you can claim that you learned something (you are after all on the doorstep of an institution of higher learning), and if you find that you just really don't want to have to get back in the car to go home, get yourself a room (this is the Kellogg Hotel & Conf. Center after all - and room rates are pretty reasonable and the rooms are very comfortable).

  • Misi P.

    I work in the vicinity of the State Room, so we have lunches and such there off and on, and I have to say that the food and the service is pretty not highly lauded. The burgers are very dry and overdone (most of the beef entrees are) and the service is extremely slow. It's convinient if you need to take your snooty colleagues to lunch, but otherwise I would skip across the street to the Harrison Roadhouse for a midday meal. The prices for meals are a bit on the expensive end for the quality of food.

  • Amy W.

    The State Room likes to think of itself as fine dining, they are sadly mistaken. The meny us by no means what I would describe as fine dining. If half of your menu is sandwiches, it is not fine dining. Very limited vegetarian menu. The staff was clueless, our waitress did not know what was on the menu, did not know what beer/wine was available, she also thought that clearing plates was optional. The prices were just slightly high for what was received. The best part of this restaurant was the people I went with. The lesson is anyplace gets better with good company.

  • Carolyn E.

    Here's a tip: go for breakfast! You'll pay about $10 for an entree, and the food is delicious. I ordered the grit cakes with poached eggs and it was beautifully plated and delicious. The coffee was excellent. This restaurant is absolutely beautiful, and I LOVE the decor. It is very "Michigan" with drift wood sculpture, earthy colors and beautiful lighting. The view out the windows is lovely. The service was great. Now, would I pay $22 for a chicken breast? No. Since the prices were so reasonable for breakfast, I thought we'd come for dinner, but we walked right out after taking a glance at the menu. $27 for scallops? You guys know me, I'm not one for fancy dining, but I'm fairly positive the food wouldn't have lived up to the prices after reading other reviews.

  • Etienne T.

    Two stars only because the service was impeccable. I can't say enough about our server, as he was excellent. All of the staff at the Kellogg Center has consistently impressed me. But the food! I was looking forward to a nice meal, but I found food that was over priced. There are so many other places in East Lansing that provide better meals. The State Room had cheap cuts of steak, frozen ravioli product that came out cold, unappetizing sauces. The food was all prettily plated and prepared, but left me extremely disappointed.

  • Evan G.

    First off, I want to say that the staff was very friendly, which is always a plus in the restaurant business. I recommend the 6oz filet, it was a perfect size; if you're not starving. Also the desserts were out of this world; the chocolate cake is to die for! Will definitely be back.

  • Red Arrow D.

    Great service! Great food! Not many places have creme brulé, let alone maple creme brulé

  • Mike M.

    Impeccable service, decent menu, decent value. Can't beat the location when you stay at the campus hotel.


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Opening Hours

  • Mon :6:30 am - 10:00pm
  • Mon : 6:30 am - 10:00pm


  • Takes Reservations : Yes
    Delivery : No
    Take-out : Yes
    Accepts Credit Cards : Yes
    Good For : Breakfast, Dinner
    Parking : Validated
    Wheelchair Accessible : Yes
    Good for Kids : Yes
    Good for Groups : Yes
    Attire : Dressy
    Ambience : Intimate
    Noise Level : Average
    Alcohol : Full Bar
    Outdoor Seating : No
    Wi-Fi : Free
    Has TV : No
    Waiter Service : Yes
    Caters : Yes

The State Room

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